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Helping you find the cheapest train tickets available on the UK National Rail network
Buy UK rail train tickets at It's quick, safe and so easy!

It's quick, safe and so easy!

Search for tickets

Just enter your train journey details, click the 'Find Tickets' button and the RailEasy™ system will find you the cheapest ticket price - guaranteed!

How do I use this free service?
It's quick, safe and so easy to search for UK rail tickets at

Simply enter your train journey details, click the 'Find Tickets' button and the secure RailEasy™ price checker will find you the cheapest available train ticket price - guaranteed!

  1. Select either a one way or return train ticket.
  2. Select the number of adults and children traveling.
  3. Type in where you want to begin (example: London) and end (example: Manchester) your train journey. As you type the train station name you'll see a list of matches to quickly choose from.
  4. Select your departure and return dates and the times you want to travel. If you just want a single train ticket leave the return dates blank.
  5. Select the ticket type. 'Open/flexible' finds tickets that may allow you to change your dates after departure and change your travel route. Select 'Cheapest' for the cheapest rail tickets available.
  6. (Optional) Type in the name of a specific train station if you want to avoid or go via that station.
  7. Select to travel Standard Class (cheaper) or First Class.
  8. If you have a rail card, select its type from the list.
  9. You're done! Just click the green 'Find Tickets' button and you'll go to the RailEasy™ price checker page.

The ATOC approved RailEasy™ system quickly searches the entire UK National Rail network for the best train ticket prices available for your chosen rail journey and travel times.
It's quick, safe and so easy with

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